How Do You Know When to Contact a Personal Injury Attorney?
Being involved in an accident can be an emotional and confusing experience. Under Texas laws, accident and personal injury victims may be entitled to seek fair compensation for their injuries by filing a claim or lawsuit. However, a lot of injured victims are usually unsure whether to handle their claims themselves or contact a personal injury attorney.
At Rodman Law Office, I'm committed to guiding clients through the complexities involved in filing accident and personal injury claims. As an experienced personal injury attorney, I can educate you on your available legal options for pursuing damages after an accident. Contact my firm in Austin, Texas, to get the reliable legal counsel you need.
Common Personal Injuries
Personal injury is a legal term used to describe any kind of harm or physical injury a person suffers due to the negligent or wrongful actions of another person or party. Some common examples of personal injury cases include:
Slip and falls
Dog bites and other animal attacks
Injuries from repetitive, strenuous motions at work
If you or your loved one has suffered a personal injury as a result of someone else's negligence, you should get in touch with a reliable personal injury lawyer immediately. Your attorney can review every aspect of your personal situation and determine the best way to proceed with your claims.
Knowing When to Contact a Personal Injury Law Firm
After a personal injury or accident, the majority of victims do not know the right steps to take and how to file their injury claims. However, you may need to hire a skilled lawyer to assist with your insurance claims or lawsuit. Here are some important reasons to contact a personal injury attorney after an injury or accident:
Fault vs. No-Fault State
In a fault state, the person responsible for the accident or injury will be held financially liable for medical expenses, damages, and other accident-related losses suffered. Conversely, in a no-fault state, the injured person will turn to their own insurance provider (PIP policy) to recover medical benefits and other out-of-pocket losses.
Additionally, Texas is an "at-fault" state. Under the state's at-fault system, the person who caused the accident or injury (the at-fault party) holds financial and civil liability for bodily injuries, property damages, and other accident-related losses suffered by the victims. A knowledgeable personal injury attorney can help file your claims, seek to prove fault, and help establish liability.
Injuries Are Serious
However, individuals who sustain a serious injury may require ongoing or future treatment, therapy, or surgery. Due to this, seeking damages when your injuries are serious may be quite complex. A seasoned legal counsel can help ensure that you have attained maximum medical improvement (MMI) or full recovery before negotiating or accepting the insurer's settlement offer.
MMI is the stage where further improvement in your health condition isn't feasible. When you reach MMI or full recovery, your lawyer can evaluate the extent of your injuries, medical bills, lost income, and other damages incurred. This will help determine the right amount of financial compensation to pursue.
You Don't Know Your Options
When you're unsettled and unsure about your available options to pursue damages, it may be advisable for you to reach out to a strategic personal injury attorney. Your legal counsel can educate you about the benefits and drawbacks of filing an injury claim or lawsuit and help you decide the right choice for your personal situation.
Dealing With Insurance
However, dealing or negotiating a settlement with the insurance company when seeking damages is never easy. Some deceitful insurers may propose a ridiculous first settlement offer or try to negotiate your claims using bad-faith tactics. Hence, when dealing with the insurance carrier, you can leverage the expertise and extensive experience of a lawyer to get the financial justice that you deserve.
Proof of Negligence Isn't Obvious
What's more, when seeking damages in an at-fault state like Texas, you must prove negligence and establish liability. This requires showing that the defendant's negligent or careless actions caused your injuries. A skilled attorney can help gather substantial evidence to prove all the elements of negligence and hold the at-fault party accountable for your injuries and damages.
Things to Ask a Personal Injury Attorney
Here are some critical questions to ask a personal injury attorney before hiring one:
For how long have you been practicing personal injury law?
Have you previously handled a case similar to my situation?
Do you have the experience and resources you handle my case?
What is the estimated value of my case?
How long will it take to settle my case?
Do you work on a contingency fee basis?
What is your sincere evaluation of my case, and do you envisage going to trial?
What is my role in the lawsuit?
How much time and resources will you dedicate to my case?
What are the possible challenges you foresee with my case?
Who will cover case-related expenses if I do not win my claims?
Generally, it is important that you ask these questions to make the right decision when retaining a lawyer to assist with your injury claims. Call Rodman Law Office today for a one-on-one consultation with a reliable attorney.
Strong & Compassionate Legal Guidance
After an injury or accident, retaining a knowledgeable personal injury attorney can make a significant difference in your case. As the leading lawyer at Rodman Law Office, I'm poised and ready to guide, support, and represent clients in their injury claims.
I can investigate all of the surrounding facts of your case and walk you through the claims process. As your attorney, I will fight to protect your best interests and help you pursue the maximum possible compensation for your injuries.
Contact me at Rodman Law Office today to schedule a free case assessment with a trusted personal injury lawyer. My firm proudly serves clients across Austin, Travis County, Hays County, and Williamson County, Texas.